
Back 2 School Bloghop and Giveaway!!!

Who doesn't love a giveaway??? I know I do! I am linking up with Sarah from The Fabulous First Grade for her Back 2 School Bloghop and Giveway. You definitely do NOT want to miss out on this! She has put together this fabulous bloghop and giveaway with other awesome bloggers. You can enter to win tons of top of the line TPT products. Click the icon below to enter the giveaway!
Ahhhh the first week of school! My first day is actually tomorrow. We all know how hard we work setting up our rooms and preparing for a new school year. I have put together a little freebie for the first day of Kindergarten. Click below to check it out:
This freebie includes a mini book, headband and coloring page. My kinders LOVE headbands! This freebie will be perfect for the first day of Kindergarten.

I tried to come up with something for the kiddos to do in the morning while I unpack their supplies, I decided to buy each student a tub of Play doh (0.50 a tub at Walmart). I also printed out and laminated their names for them to manipulate their Play doh with. This will help with those fine motor skills while also helping them learn to spell, recognize and write their name. I plan to use these in centers as well.

Don't forget to check out Color Me Kinder tomorrow for her Back 2 School Bloghop & Giveaway post!

4th of July FREEBIE with FIve for Friday!
What would the 4th of July be without a FREEBIE!!! I finished this little Patriotic Freebie this morning- Enjoy! Click on the picture to download.
I have been working on some Alphabet & Letters practice pages for the beginning of the school year. I finally finished these today! Check it out below.
Food and Fun with the family!

Beach Time in Jacksonville!

Fireworks tonight!

Throwback Thursday- Jazzy Classroom Library

I am linking up with 2nd Grade Shenanigans for Throwback Thursday!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Originally Posted 6-13-13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If you are like me you are a collector of children's books. Sometimes I think I have way too many, but yet I continue to buy buy buy! I am running out of room to house my books!!! I am lucky to have built in storage shelves in my classroom to store many of my books.

So, I recently jazzed up my classroom library with new library labels I created. Here are some pics of my classroom library:
I have made these library labels in various colors and themes. I have included 220 labels. These labels are a great way to spice up your classroom library. It is also a great way to keep your library neat and organized.

I have also created book stickers to go on each individual book. These book stickers match up to each and every classroom library label. My Kindergarteners have no problem locating the correct bin books go in. I start the school year off by going over the importance of taking care of books and teach the students how to put books back in their proper place. I tell my students, "Every book has a place". They actually take pride in knowing how to manage our classroom library.

Check these classroom library labels out by clicking on any of the pictures. Don't see a color or theme you are looking for? NO PROBLEM- Just email me your request and I will do by best.

I have tons of themes and colors already available at my TPT store. Just click on the library labels link on the left hand side of my stores page.

TPT Teacher Appreciation Sale May 6th & 7th

Teacher Appreciation week is here! I am holding a TPT Teacher appreciation sale May 6th & 7th on all of my products. You can check out my store by clicking on any of the photos below. Thanks for all that you do! Don't forget to link up and share the products you have on sale!


180 First Grade Math Journal Prompts- Common Core Based

Are you looking for a way to spice up your math lessons? Students need many opportunities to write in mathematics and math journals can help you do just that! Journaling can be done as a review, warm-up, independent work, closing, or homework activity.

These math journal prompts are a great way to motivate reluctant students and strengthen their love for math while deepening their understanding of these very important skills. These prompts require students to organize, clarify, and reflect on their ideas. These particular math prompts are a great way to challenge young students minds.

You can check these prompts out by clicking on the picture below. You can also download a preview with 10 free prompts.

Two years ago I created 180 Kindergarten math journal prompts for Kindergarten and have had much success using these prompts with my own Kindergarteners. They love to pull there journals out at the beginning of our math lesson each day. They look forward to using their math journals and discussing their thinking with their classmates.

Click here to view this past post on math journals.
Click on the picture below to check out these prompts.


TPT 3 Million Teachers Strong Sale!!!!!

I just love a sale...don't you??? As many of you know TPT is having a huge sale starting at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, 2/26...that's tonight!!! I am joining in the sale- My entire store will be 20% off all day Thursday & Friday. TPT is kicking in an extra savings by using Promo Code TPT3!

You don't want to miss this sale! My cart is ready to roll with a TON of wish listed items I have been checking out these past few days- SUPER EXCITED!
Check out some of these products and more by clicking on any of the pictures below.
Happy shopping everyone!