
Math Journal Prompts - Makeover Madness: Week 1

I am excited to have joined the #TPTsellerchallenge! The challenge for week 1 is to revamp a product from your TPT store. I have chosen to revamp the cover of one of my best selling products- 180 Math Journal Prompts for Kindergarten. I also updated the cover for 180 Math Journal Prompts for First Grade. Check out the makeover below!

I started selling on TPT about three years ago and this was one of my first products. These two products are great for K-1 students. They are aligned to the Common Core Standards and the prompts included cover each of the CC math standards. Math journals are a great way for students to record their math work and thinking. I am pleased with my math journal cover makeover! Interested in either of these products..check them out here:
 Kindergarten Math Prompts    First Grade Math Prompts

A special thank you to these bloggers for putting together this challenge! Stay tuned for Week 2: Dare to Dream....


  1. Love your new chevron covers for the Makeover Challenge! I'm your newest follower!
    Jenn :)

  2. Love the new cover. The mix of fonts is eye catching. It's so crazy going back to look at old products and thinking "wow...what was I thinking" (not that your old one was bad) :).

  3. Thank you Jenn & Natasha! And I know Natasha I was thinking the same thing...I have definitely learned a great deal since I first made those old covers. :-)

  4. A great makeover. Looks very inviting!

  5. How interesting post!! I would love to be a part of this challenge. Well dear lately I have been looking for some party printables that I can use in the preschool party. Actually I am going to organize a party at my Phoenix preschool in the next week.

  6. it's great blog I love it. thank for sharing.

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