
Back 2 School Bloghop and Giveaway!!!

Who doesn't love a giveaway??? I know I do! I am linking up with Sarah from The Fabulous First Grade for her Back 2 School Bloghop and Giveway. You definitely do NOT want to miss out on this! She has put together this fabulous bloghop and giveaway with other awesome bloggers. You can enter to win tons of top of the line TPT products. Click the icon below to enter the giveaway!
Ahhhh the first week of school! My first day is actually tomorrow. We all know how hard we work setting up our rooms and preparing for a new school year. I have put together a little freebie for the first day of Kindergarten. Click below to check it out:
This freebie includes a mini book, headband and coloring page. My kinders LOVE headbands! This freebie will be perfect for the first day of Kindergarten.

I tried to come up with something for the kiddos to do in the morning while I unpack their supplies, I decided to buy each student a tub of Play doh (0.50 a tub at Walmart). I also printed out and laminated their names for them to manipulate their Play doh with. This will help with those fine motor skills while also helping them learn to spell, recognize and write their name. I plan to use these in centers as well.

Don't forget to check out Color Me Kinder tomorrow for her Back 2 School Bloghop & Giveaway post!