
Product Swap: Ice Cream Cone Ordering Numbers

I joined Jessica Stanford's Product Swap linky party.

I am excited to share with you the product I received from my product swap partner Sue Lattea. I am always looking for creative things to use in my math instruction and Sue's Ice Cream Cone Ordering Numbers 0-20 is a perfect to use in math centers and what kid doesn't love ice cream?! (Check out Sue's blog below):

Sue's pack comes with three colored sets of ice cream scoops with numbers 0-20 on them. This pack also offers the ice cream scoops in black and white, which is nice if you have a black and white printer or you want to save on ink. I love that she added four recording sheets that students can complete, two of these sheets are shown below.

I plan on placing magnets on the back of these scoops and allowing students to use them on our magnetic whiteboard. Here are a few pics. of what is offered in this pack.

Click on the picture below to check out this awesome pack!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE labels! I use them all throughout my classroom. Today is the last day to get 50% off all Avery brand labels at Staples. If you do not have this coupon, feel free to email me or leave a comment with your email address and I will email you the coupon right away.

Here are a few things I have used labels for in my classroom :)


100 Topics to Write About Cards- Full Sheet Size & Pocket Sized

I just love Mondays!!! Time again to link up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made it!
Last week I made 100 topics to write about pocket sized cards. I received emails requesting to make these pocket sized cards into full sheet size cards and I did just that. These cards can be used in conjunction with my pocket sized cards shown below.

Included in this pack are 100 FULL SHEET size cards that are the match to each of the 100 pocket sized cards avaialble in my TPT & TN store.

Happy Monday everyone!


100 Pocket Sized Writing Topic Cards & Must Read Picture Books

Hello All!
I am once again linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for her Made It Monday. I am also linking up with Lindsey from the Teacher's Wife for her Must Have Picture Books.

The Teacher Wife

This week I wanted to share with all of you my topics to write about pocket sized cards. I created 100 writing topic cards that can be displayed in a pocket chart in your classroom, used in centers, or used as writing prompts. Here are a few samples from this awesome pack! Click on any of the pictures to check these cards out.

My MUST Have Picture Books to Read:


Get the Scoop on Story Elements, Comprehension Skills & Strategies

I am linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics with her Monday Made It.
I wanted to share with all of you my story elements, comprehension skills & strategies "scoops" that I made. I made these mini scoops to display in my classroom. I think I am also going to use them in centers as well. I plan on putting magnets on the back of each scoop and displaying them on my whiteboard. These scoops will be a great reference for students.

These "scoops" are great for introducing various reading elements, skills and strategies. Each scoop has a short description on it as well as a corresponding picture. You can check them out by clicking on any of the pictures below.

Happy Monday!

A Day in My Shos- International Blog Hopping Day

I am linking up with some great bloggers for Teaching Blog Addict's National Blog Hopping Day linky party. Click the picture below to link up!
Ruby Red Slippers
Soooo..A day in my shoes goes a little something like this:

5:45- Alarm clock goes off
5:50- Finally get out of bed
6:00  Shower & brush my teeth
6:15- Time to curl my hair (Ummmm yes it takes 45 minutes to curl my hair..YIKES)
7:00- Get dressed
7:10- Get my things ready to take to school
7:20- Hop in the car with my mom (Yes my mom takes me to school still..lol that is only because we teach at the same school together- I love it!)
7:20-7:50- I put my make-up on in the car..ahhh the benefits of catching a ride with my mom
7:50- We arrive at school (sometimes we stop for breakfast on the way)
8:00- I have duty in the morning at the school store
8:25- Bell rings, school store closes
8:30- I race back to my classroom and let my kiddos in
8:30-9:00- We squeeze in some science (usually work in our science journals)
9:00-10:30- Reading block
10:35-11.00- Lunch
11:00-12:00- Math
12:00-12:30- Writing
1:00-2:00- Recource (We have resource on T/W/TH for an hour)
2:00-2:30- Social Studies
2:35- Dismissal for Kindergarteners
2:35-3:00- Bus Duty
3:20- My school day is over (rarely do I ever leave on tme)
4:00 or so- I get home
4:30-Nap time (I usually nap for an hour or two- I am a night owl)
6:00- Dinner
7:00- Bedtime- I usually work on stuff for my classroom or watch t.v.
Then...I wake up and do it all over again :)

I am definitely a shoe person. I have TONS of shoes!! Some of my co-workers think I am nuts for teaching in heels. I am short and heels and wedges make me feel a little taller ;) Here are some of my favs:


4th of July Freebie- Scientific Method Posters

Happy Fourth of July Everyone! I hope you all enjoy this little freebie. You can download for free by clicking on any of the pictures or at my Teachers Notebook store. Have a fun and safe holiday!